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We regularly organize talks around the topic of sustainable consumption. For past talks, please visit our YouTube channel:

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Since its inception, SCORAI Europe has organised regular workshops with the aim of bringing together practitioners and researchers to develop innovative approaches toward sustainable consumption. We also welcome proposals for future workshops.

Link for past workshops (with pdfs of the conference proceedings):

University of Geneva (2021) International workshop: Consumption, sufficiency and future imaginaries

NUI Galway (2021) Virtual workshop:Sustainable Consumption and Care

Geneva (2020) Sustainability through Art: The Role of Art In and Towards Sustainable Changes

Geneva (2019) Consumption corridors: exploring concepts and implications

Budapest (2016) Sustainable Consumption and Social Justice in a Constrained World

Vienna (2015) Beyond” Transition? Understanding and Achieving Sustainable Consumption through Social Innovation

Leipzig (2014) Degrowth and Sustainable Consumption – Inspiration for mutual learning

Lausanne (2014) Sustainable consumption’ problem framing and research design: Can we be inter- and transdisciplinary and do we truly want to be?

London (2014) Understanding of innovative approaches to sustainable consumption

Rotterdam (2013) Pathways, Transitions and Backcasting for Low-Carbon and Sustainable Lifestyles

Istanbul (2013) Bridging Across Communities and Cultures Towards Sustainable Consumption

Muenster (2013)The Search for the Good Life – Taking the Sustainable Consumption Lens Seriously

Bregenz (2012) Sustainable Consumption During Times of Crisis

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