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EnergyPROSPECTS (H2020, 2021-2024, €3m) 

EnergyPROSPECTS (H2020, 2021-2024, €3m) 

EnergyPROSPECTS works with a critical understanding of energy citizenship that is grounded in state-of-the-art SSH insights. The project will examine the potential contribution of different forms of energy citizenship to furthering the goals of the Energy Union and the Green Deal. The three-year project will produce an interactive online database of over 500 diverse cases of energy citizenship, analyse the external and internal contextual conditions as they support or hinder energy citizenship in its various forms and match suitable models and forms of organisation with different countries, regions and contexts. The research team will then conduct a citizen survey to appraise the validity of various scenarios and discuss and refine results in citizen workshops and policy forums.


For more information please visit

EU 1.5° Lifestyles (H2020, 2021-2025, ~€5m) 

EU 1.5° Lifestyles aims to address several constraints on realising demand-side changes for sustainable lifestyles by connecting an analysis of individual lifestyle perspectives, on household level, with policies and socio-economic structures, on all levels from international to local. The analysis will be structured according to the emerging 1.5-degree lifestyles approach. The advantage of a lifestyle-oriented approach is to link concrete transformations of lifestyle by individuals to transformations of the structural context by policies, economic, and societal institutions. In practical terms, it is very promising as it offers concrete guidance and as it can be scaled to political, social, and economic capacities on regional to (supra-)national levels. The consortium has 10 partners from Germany, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, the Netherlands, Spain and Sweden.


For more information please visit

ENERGISE (H2020, 2016-2019, €3m) 

ENERGISE is an innovative pan-European research initiative to achieve a greater scientific understanding of the social and cultural influences on energy consumption. ENERGISE developed, tested and assessed options aimed at transforming the quality and quantity of energy use among households and communities across Europe.The ENERGISE consortium includes ten research partners (universities, research institutes, enterprises and NGOs) from Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Slovenia, Switzerland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The project was completed in November 2019 and has produced numerous outputs including academic papers and an open access book


For more information on the ENERGISE project visit:

CCC-CATAPULT (SOLSTICE JPI-Climate, 2020-2023, €1.4m) 

CCC-CATAPULT co-creates a framework that enables young people to express how growing up in their particular contexts and spaces (including formal education, relationships, communities and extracurricular spaces) plays a role in their worldview formation and openness to new ways of thinking and doing. This framework serves as the basis for co-creating approaches and activities for climate education that are both responsive and sensitive to young people’s norms, attitudes, values, worldviews, beliefs and processes of forming cultural meanings. This project is taking place in locations across Europe, including Bristol (United Kingdom), Galway (Ireland), Tampere (Finland), and Genova (Italy). 

For more information see:


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