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The steering committee plays an active role in guiding the activities of our community. We meet regularly to plan SCORAI Europe activities in the areas of teaching, research, policy and practice, and we welcome ideas from our community.

Steering committee members:

Julia Backhaus RWTH Aachen University, Germany

Benigna Boza-Kiss International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria 

Janis Brizga NGO Green Liberty & University of Latvia, Latvia

Frances Fahy NUI Galway, Ireland

Daniel Fischer Wageningen University, Netherlands

Doris Fuchs University of Münster, Germany

Mary Greene Wageningen University, Netherlands

Ginnie Guillen-Hanson Gamification Group, Tampere University, Finland

Charlotte Louise Jensen Aalborg University, Denmark

Sylvia Lorek Sustainable Europe Research Institute, Germany

Henrike Rau LMU Munich, Germany

Marlyne Sahakian University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Edina Vadovics GreenDependent Institute, Hungary

Stefan Wahlen University of Giessen, Germany

If you are interested in becoming a member of the SCORAI Europe Steering Committee, we welcome your application. Please send a short motivation letter to SCORAI email address, We will evaluate your proposal at our regular meetings. SCORAI Europe aims to represent diversity in its SC, in relation to gender, ethnicity, disability, age, level of experience, geographic representation, among other factors.

Criteria for becoming a member of SCORAI Europe steering committee:


  1. Commitment to promoting research on and/or teaching of sustainable consumption.

  2. Expertise or skills in a relevant field (i.e. in or pertaining to sustainable consumption) whether as a researcher, educator or practitioner involved in action research.

  3. Standing – profile and renown of candidate, e.g. identified by their body of work, projects undertaken, volume and quality of publication, impact on policy or practice and thought leadership, while being open to early career researchers.

  4. Networking – new members of the steering committee should have and continue to build strong connections with organisations, groups or individuals which can support SCORAI Europe activities.


Interested candidates should submit a short biography or CV and a paragraph stipulating their motivation for joining the steering committee and outlining what qualities they would bring in relation to the above criteria and suggestions for improving SCORAI Europe.


Applications will be reviewed by the existing steering committee then put to a committee vote.  We aim for diversity in terms of gender, age, professional experience, and geographic representation.

© 2023

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