SCORAI Europe is an international network that brings together people from multi-disciplinary backgrounds with a shared interest in research and action around sustainable consumption.
SCORAI Europe aims to support a community that contributes forward-thinking, innovative research in the area of sustainable consumption, while also fostering links between academic research, teaching, policy and practice. SCORAI Europe cooperates closely with the European Roundtable for Sustainable Consumption and Production (ERSCP) and with SCORAI Global, as well as other research networks that are focused on the challenges of addressing the society-environment nexus from a consumption perspective.
“SCORAI Europe brings together scholars and activists through a broadly shared normative dimension around sustainable consumption, but is not disciplinarily bound. This makes the network feel different from other networks, and makes it a key international network.”
Dan Welch, Sociology and the Sustainable Consumption Institute, University of Manchester
“The conferences are great, and I really appreciated the initiative to make local hubs to avoid unnecessary air travel”
Tullia Jack, Aalborg University

To become a member of SCORAI Europe (no membership fee involved), please subscribe to the SCORAI-EUROPE(at)listserv.heanet.ie mailing list.
Click on the 'subscribe' link, enter your email and set a password. You will receive a confirmation email.
Members will receive news on upcoming activities and be invited to share information relevant to sustainable consumption research and action in the European context with other members.
The steering committee plays an active role in guiding the activities of our community. We meet regularly to plan SCORAI Europe activities in the areas of teaching, research, policy and practice, and we welcome ideas from our community.
Steering committee members:
Julia Backhaus RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Benigna Boza-Kiss International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria
Janis Brizga NGO Green Liberty & University of Latvia, Latvia
Frances Fahy NUI Galway, Ireland
Daniel Fischer Wageningen University, Netherlands
Doris Fuchs University of Münster, Germany
Mary Greene Wageningen University, Netherlands
Ginnie Guillen-Hanson Gamification Group, Tampere University, Finland
Charlotte Louise Jensen Aalborg University, Denmark
Sylvia Lorek Sustainable Europe Research Institute, Germany
Henrike Rau LMU Munich, Germany
Marlyne Sahakian University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Edina Vadovics GreenDependent Institute, Hungary
Stefan Wahlen University of Giessen, Germany
If you are interested in becoming a member of the SCORAI Europe Steering Committee, we welcome your application. Please send a short motivation letter to SCORAI email address, scoraieurope@gmail.com. We will evaluate your proposal at our regular meetings. SCORAI Europe aims to represent diversity in its SC, in relation to gender, ethnicity, disability, age, level of experience, geographic representation, among other factors.
​To send a message to all members:
Once you are subscribed to our list, please write an email to SCORAI-EUROPE(at)listserv.heanet.ie
Founding members include:
Nilgün Ciliz Bogaziçi University
Neil Coles UNEP/Wuppertal Institute/CSCP
Antonietta Di Giulio University of Basel
Doris Fuchs University of Münster
André Martinuzzi WU Vienna
Oksana Mont Lund University
Jaco Quist TU Delft
Inge Røpke Danish Technical University
Lucia Reisch Copenhagen Business School
Willi Sieber Austrian Institute of Ecology
Gerd Scholl Institute for Ecological Economy Research
Ulf Schrader TU Berlin
Martin Schweighofer Austrian Institute of Ecology
John Thøgersen Aarhus University
Arnold Tukker TNO