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Using Zombies to Communicate Climate Change!
A digital scavenger hunt as a starting point for students to understand how to effectively define and communicate with a target audience.

By: Petra Bättig and Urs Müller (both: Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften)

Session type: Multiple sessions, Undergraduate/Graduate level, Small/Medium/Large size


  • Communication

  • Gaming

  • Climate change


Introduction to the teaching example:

The objective is to consider target audiences and the best ways to converse with them about a particular topic concerning sustainable consumption and climate change.


This example begins with The Zombie Mission, a timed online treasure hunt that was conducted at the Campus Grüental grounds. On their electronic devices, students are instructed to install the app and play the game. The task is finished in one hour. The students will use this experience as a springboard for creating their own mobile game about environmentally-friendly consumption and its link to climate change. In order to establish and submit their purpose to an "employer," such as the owner of Zurich escape rooms, for assessment, they need to identify a target audience, analyze the material that currently exists for that audience, and identify the main ideas they wish to express.

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