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Walk’n’Write: Reflecting on Efficiency, Consistency, and Sufficiency
This activity engages students to reflect on the sustainable consumption strategies efficiency, consistency and sufficiency in their private and school environments.  Best practices and alternative behavioral options are discussed in the plenary to incite change collectively.


By: Shirin Betzler (Osnabrück University) and Lisa Hollands (Vechta University)

Session type: Single session, Undergraduate/TT level, Medium size


  • Personal consumption

  • Consumption as habitual

  • From efficiency to sufficiency


Introduction to the teaching example:

The purpose of the exercise is to encourage students to reflect on their particular "building sites"—their strengths and shortcomings in their personal, professional, and academic environments and how these behaviors can be grouped along the strategies of sustainable development efficiency, consistency and sufficiency. Along these lines, a conversation on sustainable consumption patterns is sparked. Students are encouraged to identify particular behaviors that need to be improved and be inspired by positive examples of others.


The educator first explains the concept of efficient, consistent, and sufficient ways of consumption choices in a presentation. Then, in small groups, the students compile examples for each approach, connecting the concepts to positive and negative consumption behaviors in their personal and professional lives. Students are encouraged to reflect on the “building sites” that might require changes or development. Posters displaying the outcomes of this brainstorming session are then showcased and talked about in the plenary. Finally, a discussion on how to incite change follows, exchanging ideas and best practices within the collective.

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